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Creative Communicator


Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.


 Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.


Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.


Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

Standard 6

Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.




  • WeVideo is an online platform that is advertised to be a video editor for businesses, educators, and life. WeVideo has all its features laid out in one page for users, so they are easily able to add text, audio, transitions, photos, videos, and more. They also have built-in stock content (photos, videos, and audio), so that's handy for people who are looking for commercially-licensed, royalty-free content to use in their videos. I used my Macbook to create a video, but the site also claims to work well on any device (Chromebook, Windows, Mac, and mobile). In terms of pricing, there is a free trial. However, people who are creating videos for individual use, businesses, or education have different pricing options to choose from. 



  • The site is flexible and somewhat intuitive. I've had minimal experience creating videos in the past, but it was fairly easy to figure out how to add text, audio, and videos. I briefly struggled with adding transitions, but I could figure it out without having to look up any additional resources for help. 

  • Studnets have a lot of flexibility in terms of what they'd like their video to look like at the end. 



  • The site has a 30-day free trial, but for students/teachers hoping to use it long-term, they'd have to pay for a subscription. 

  • Even though learning how to use the site felt intuitive to me, I feel like that could've been because I had some prior experiences working with video editors on my mobile devices. So, for students who haven't had any prior exposure to creating/editing videos, it might be really overwhelming to see all the features on the editing page. 




Click on the play button to watch the video I've created using WeVideo.


This button above will take you to the WeVideo site where you can create your own account and begin making videos!



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This is what the website looks like from the editor's perspective. On the left is all the features. The bottom is where users can add their text, photos, videos, and audio. The top right is the preview of the video. 


Overall, I really enjoyed using this WeVideo as a video creator/editor! I found it to be fairly simple to figure out in terms of features. As I mentioned above, I was able to easily import photos, videos, and audio onto the site. From there, I could arrange them however I preferred. I can easily see this digital platform as a space for students to "communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes." What's great about WeVideo is that students can include their original works such as photos, videos, or audio; however, they can also remix it using stock content on the internet or on the site itself (which satisfies the ISTE standard 6b). The website is so flexible and adaptable to students' needs, so they can express themselves to their audiences however they see fit (ISTE standard 6d). Unfortunately, the pricing options are quite expensive -- especially for a student that is in middle or high school. If I were to use this as an educator, I may try to write a grant for the funds to buy a classroom subscription or ask the district to help fund it. I can see myself using WeVideo as an educator if I were prerecording lessons or brief content videos. What I think would be the best use of it is having students create videos to show their understanding of math concepts. 

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